Thursday, May 5, 2011

The evolution of motion pictures should be taken to new dimensions literally. Instead of 3D let there be many theaters with 4D where movies are show with 3D glasses and have effects that are Physical. This could include rain machines, vibrations, chairs rocking back and forth, fog machines to make places feel wet, humid and moist and other simulators. Some movies in few areas of the world have places like this. The prices of tickets would go up but it would be worth it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the link above is to the upcoming movie Cowboys and Aliens. Cowboys and Aliens come on Hollywood keep on pushing all these aliens movies that are coming out later this year. Many expect for future movies to be intriguing and more technologically advanced than ever before but hollywood may be expecting for that technology to de delivered by our alien brothers. Mixing Cowboys and Aliens mixes past and future but does not call for originality. People want to see box breakers like Star Wars again.
Although American Theatre and Minstrel shows shows are not technically considered Cinema or Motion pictures it most likely is what made cinemas when it was available. In the past there were shows called Blackface, were white man would paint there faces black and impersonate the lives of african american slaves. Going from racist shows to the movie screen with integration of whites and blacks is a major step in society. Recently some of the films are involving Indian-American actors so this comes to show how far we have gotten.In the future hopefully we will see stars collaborating in movies with other stars across the globe.

Super Hero Season Begins Again

Another Summer and another round of Super Hero Blockbusters. This year's fare brings us Thor, Xmen, Green Lantern and Captain America. At three Marvel properties to one DC, it is already apparent which comic book brand is working the hardest. This seems to be a pretty significant reversal of roles when I recall my childhood movies of four Batman movies, four Superman movies and a Supergirl too. Thor comes out this weekend, so if you are curious about the movie, check out the trailer below.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Right now in present time we find ourselves with theatre screens that extend from wall to wall to better the experience of the viewer and for the movie to be of better quality but still find that big isn't big enough. What is needed in the movie industry is for a screen that blocks out peripheral images while watching a movie. This would definitely make the viewer seem as if they were in the movie. A screen with a lot of power and resolution would be needed for this but not enough power to where the human eye would be damaged.
Motion Pictures has evolved in different ways which include watching movies inside a closed building or outside in your car. As much as places are charging for movies they can at least use some money to renovate. Comfort can add to the experience of the movie. some of the theaters have uncomfortable seating. Possibly seats may look like the ones above and may possibly come with 3D glasses or maybe even seats that vibrate when there is a scene that calls for it.

Bond, James Bond

You simply cannot have a movie blog without thementioning of bond, so I will save this blog. (so Bondesque). Is there a movie series that has gone through 6 different acors playing the same character over 40 years, yes 40 yrs this coming year and the release of "Bond 23", the 23rd movie of its own niche. Double o seven or simply 007 is a british special forces agent with great gadgets, looks and charisma that has warmed his way onto everybody's t.v. set at one time or another. You cannot get to the future of anything , before knowing where you came from. This reigns the same for movies as well, Bond was here with Sean Coonery in 1962 and will continue the legacy with Daniel Craig in 2012 T.B.A. If you have read this blog and have a favorite Bond actor, film , car actress or weapon, please share with us.