Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bond, James Bond

You simply cannot have a movie blog without thementioning of bond, so I will save this blog. (so Bondesque). Is there a movie series that has gone through 6 different acors playing the same character over 40 years, yes 40 yrs this coming year and the release of "Bond 23", the 23rd movie of its own niche. Double o seven or simply 007 is a british special forces agent with great gadgets, looks and charisma that has warmed his way onto everybody's t.v. set at one time or another. You cannot get to the future of anything , before knowing where you came from. This reigns the same for movies as well, Bond was here with Sean Coonery in 1962 and will continue the legacy with Daniel Craig in 2012 T.B.A. If you have read this blog and have a favorite Bond actor, film , car actress or weapon, please share with us.

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