Tuesday, May 3, 2011


In the Future, Movies may get worse, as Craig blogged about remakes and re-do's of trilogies, I too am weary of the future of movies. I have recently read that Sony intends on making another Ghost buster's movie, Awesome right? Wrong! They have at their disposal the original director, willing and able, however, Sony is going to use a guy that is only credited with directing a music video. This could go really bad, bad like Russell Crowe and Kate Blanchett doing the prequel to Robin Hood, but without any of the Robin Hood tale too it. Their is also talk of re shooting the Spider-mans again, already, as Craig also said, again, already. Again, However they are looking to use another up and coming director only credited with directing a music video. Those things are so subjective, and artsy fartsy, We all have reason to be concerned the future of cinema

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