Friday, February 18, 2011

The 1980's Action Hero

The 1980's had a number of action films released every year. An action film is where one or more heroes is thrust into a series of challenges that require physical feats, extended fights and frenetic chases. Fist fights, gun play, explosions, and car chases are pretty much what sums up an action movie. With every action flick comes the action Hero. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, and Chuck Norris are some popular names in the Action genre. Arnold is known world wide for his role of The Terminator but the Terminator is in fact a villain. He is more of a Hero in "Predator." Stallone is mostly recognized as Rocky or Rambo. Willis got his popularity from playing John McClain in "Die Hard." And last but not least is Chuck Norris. Chuck is popular for his role in the "Missing in Action" films as a POW in Vietnam. These four men will forever remain in movie history as Action Heroes. Bellow is some pictures of the Heroes and the films they are famous for.


  1. Craig, this is a great post and oh so true. Action films are the best and the people who portray them are always known for the part they played. Action films continue to be remade today. I saw an article in a magazine showing there is going to be a remake of Superman. These actors are all great ones and I will continue to enjoy the listed movies, along with the new ones being remade, in the future. Very good post. Mary Ann Reday.

  2. It seems that action movies get remade more than any other type? I love action movies, especially when there is some drama mixed in to it. The Worlds fastest Indian is a great movie with Anthony Hopkins. Based on a true story, he sets out from New Zealand to America to break a speed record at the salt flats in Utah. All the ones you have listed are great movies. I watch them all the time still. Good post.

  3. Great post! The movies of the 80's were fantastic, very action packed with lots of noise, always a hero, and a villain. Also, many of the super space movies started using new techniques, computer graphics, and special effects which gave the entire movie viewing going experience a special event. The critics were alot of fun too, Siskel and Ebert.

  4. Yeah action movies are the best type of movies as the action can be so over the top in a movie. Action movies are filled with explosions, fights, and guns. If the right actor is cast such as the examples you gave, you can have a very successful franchise as the foundation is already done you just need a new story and more explosions than the original, that's the rule you know. And if you cast the wrong actor it's okay you just move on to the next one. Some other great martial arts action movies have come out of Hong Kong also. The movies have been popular in the west and even some actors such as Jackie Chan have been able to make a name for themselves.

  5. I remember watching all these movies except the Chuck Norris one as a kid. It's undeniable that many people love to see a hero (or villain) wielding a sword or gun and just pile up dead bodies as effortlessly and as bloodily as possible. The hilariously bad dialogue and accents, along with the explosions, and nonstop action is what makes this genre still so popular.

  6. No doubt these action heros are what started “action” and will never be forgotten. These guys are hardcore and started what produced all of today’s action movies. This is similar to technology because that is how technology works out. There has to be something initial and then other technologies branch off of it and produce more. Such as more genres of movies can be produced off of action movies.

  7. My all time favorite is Bruce Willis in Die Hard. The first time I saw it, I fell in love and I have seen all the sequels. I just love how each movie bring something different, but he always get the bad guys in the end, with a little help.

  8. Craig, great post. 80's action films had a lot of action and suspense. I like these kinds of movies because you can't always predict what is going to happen next. These characters are memorable and appealing. I most enjoy the Die Hard movies because they threw in some humorous dialogue to go along with the action.

  9. Awesome post, Craig! I love Chuck Norris! ( Did you know Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer? Too bad he's never cried. lol) Die Hard is an awesome movie! The action scenes are crazy! I love the excessive eighties and their over-the-top explosions! Did you see MacGruber this summer? It is a feature length parody of MacGyver and eighties style action from SNL.

    It is so weird seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger oiled shirtless and carrying a machine gun in the jungle as opposed to in a shirt and tie as the governor of California. Even though Hollywood actors have a history of becoming politically active and some even of becoming politicians, I like seeing Arnold like this!

  10. This is so funny. Those pictures say it all. I won't hide the fact that I've seen these movies, but when I see them it makes me laugh. They're so funny because they are absolutely ridiculous. These guys are such super heroes that they can do anything ridiculous, and I guess because it's not the eighties that I think these movies are cheesy, but that's just my perspective.

  11. I think these guys are freaking awesome. I have watched all the die hards, all the Arnold and Stallone movies and pretty much all of Bruce Willis's movies. I think they have definitely made a large impact on society, afterall who doesn't want to be able to hack many enemies to death while you should have died about 20 times already if not more?

  12. i think the movies back then have more pop then movies now of days. the action movies of the past show more real action and real life stunts, but in todays world there is green screen and other technology to do the things that in the past were done by real people. also, seeing them actors like they are and imaging them in todays world would not fit in any ways.

  13. When i look back at the these films i see a comic view on America at the time. Everything evolved specifically wartime events in Amerrica. These and other films have sometime to say about society. We love war and chuck norris films. Still today many films have even more gruesome depictions of war. Maybe we will not move from this violence era.
