Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Past Motion Picture Technology

The first device ever made to display movies was called a zoopraxiscope which was patented in 1867. It was made by a guy named William Lincoln.


  1. Mit,this article was very interesting. You were able to teach me something I never knew before. William Lincoln is an inventor who we do not hear much about but probably should. He made a great contribution to the art and science of movie making. I really enjoyed your post. Mary Ann Reday.

  2. Very interesting how this device started what is today. It really changed how people are entertained and without this device nothing today would have been possible. Very good find!

  3. its crazy that one device started an world wide obsession. also just to see what it has come from ane the different kinds of camcorders there are now of days, its amazing what can be done now in movies.

  4. This is a very interesting post! I never heard of this important invention. I am surprised I did not learn of it in my History of Cinema course. This looks like the projector if a not-so-distant relative.

  5. The zoopraxiscope as we can see from the picture has dramatically evolved sinc 1867. It was 144 years ago that William Lincoln invented this device. If he only knew how his ideas, that evolved into this device help revolutionized the way we display movies today.
