Thursday, March 31, 2011

Goodbye DVD, Hello Blu Ray!

I remember when DVD's came out and they were almost 40 dollars a piece! They came out around 1998 when VHS was still the main format to watch movies. VHS was then stopped in 2003 because DVD's had now become the most popular format. People were buying DVD players and Play Station 2's which also had a DVD player built into it. Some people who still watched VHS bought the VHS/DVD combo which worked out for people with both formats. Blu Ray was introduced in 2007 and it is pretty much a high definition DVD. Blu Rays came out as 40 dollars a piece when they starting coming out. Since Blu Ray, DVD's are overflowing in the 5 dollar bin at Wal Mart. If you want to see an old movie really clear, go watch it on Blu ray!


  1. Wow I had no idea that DVDs costed $40 a piece back then. I also have to guess based off of this that the next big thing will come out in around 2016 or so. I heard that they are working on holographic video or something like that which will eventually replace blue ray. I personally cannot for the life of me tell the difference between blu-ray and DVD so any real change they make will be completely lost for me. I personally see no real reason for them to figure out ways to display any clearer pictures since the human eye can only see so much.

  2. Yes, I agree with technology evolving all the time newer and better things are created for human beings. There was VHS then DVDs now there is Blue Ray. Everything turns into something better that makes it worth wild for people to give into and buy. EVentually down the road something better will over take Blue Ray DVDs.

  3. I remember when I first bought the VCR and I though it was great that I could stop a movie at any point and resume watching whenever I wanted. I resisted getting the DVR because I didn't think it was really any different from the VCR, but after purchasing the DVD I was amazed at the great pictures. I don't rent movies anymore, I use my DVR to record and watch movies and shows. I think this beats both the VCR and DVD, because I can watch what I want when I want and I can fast forward through all those pesky commercials. Any when I want to watch a newer movie I can watch it anytime On-Demand.

  4. Yes I do remember the $40 DVD price. At the same time there was another format called LaserDisc that was also trying to get on the market, but it used full size digital disks, kind of like a CD the size of a vinyl record. But this type of digital technology continues to evolve, even the Blu-Ray format is having difficulty, because people a switching to an all-digital file, whether it be a downloaded movie, stream program, or a digital video recorder (DVR). The future of media will be no media, files will be transferred by the Internet to their destination device, whether that be an iPod, TV, computer, or some new device not invented yet.

  5. Three Guys and A Giant and Craig: This is a really interesting post. I remember seeing DVDs being shown on the news as something coming in the future. I also remember getting our first VHS player. We thought this was the greatest thing in the world, watching movies in your own house not at the movies. Not only do we have DVDs, now there is Blue Ray! What will come next? I think you are correct when you say that in the future there will be no media files. We are almost there now. You can watch Net Flix on you computer. You do not even need the disc anymore. This was a great post. Mary Ann Reday.

  6. i can just remember that not that long ago i would go get a movie that was Vhs and now we have blue ray which is just the perfect picture. technology is just keeping up with us and what we want, good movies with great picture quality. i have to say that the blue ray disk is pricer then the dvd but the quality of the movie it just beyond amazing. technology working for us is just great.

  7. Just like when vhs movies came out they were expensive, but good. Everyone wanted them. Now Blue Rays are an updated version, yes they are expensive, but worth the price. The picture is very clear.

  8. It took me a long time to purchase VHS tapes and by time I caught on DVD's came out. I loved my collection of VHS tapes, and I didn't want to get rid of them. So I purchased a VHS and DVD player in which I still own. I never seem to keep up with technology, I haven't purchased Blue Rays yet, probably no time soon since they are expensive.
