Friday, March 4, 2011

Marketing a Movie

The marketing of a movie usually is the first sign of how a movie will perform in the box office. The stronfger the promotions are the more likely a movie will last in the theatres. In 2009, overall box offices hit an all time high, due mainly to four huge blockbusters, Tranformers -Revenge of the Fallen, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, The Twilight Saga- New Moon, and Avatar. The first time teh box office ever broke the $10 billion plane.

When a movie is Promoted with such confidence and exposure as these movies there is usually a direct correlation to a movies overall profit after the theatre, rental and cable exclusivity contracts. Avatar Earned $232.2 million from North America and 106 other countries, It was one of the most films ever created for an estimated half a billion dollars. This will take a long time to eventually turn a profit, but with such a cult following and being such a culturaly, scientifically and artistically inspired film is it sure to last and earn.


  1. Great post. It is very true that the more a company promotes a product, like a movie, the more it will sell. I do not choose movies by how much they are promoted, though. I usually listen to people I know and if they say the movie is good I will watch it. Promotion is a good tool to get the word out about a movie, but word-of-mouth is always the best promotion. So if the movie is bad, all the promoting in the world will not help.

  2. Bishopmngr, I agree that marketing decides whether a movie will succeed in a theater or not. When you see certain clips from a movie, if it catches your attention the right way, you will go see the movie. I also agree that word of mouth is the best promotion. If someone does tell you a movie is not good, in all likelihood, you will not go see that movie. It is all in the advertising. Great post. Mary Ann Reday.

  3. Advertising is great for anything, especially movies. All the commercials, buses or huge billboards. A movie will be noticed and people will want to see it. If not for yourself but for a child. Movies for children become popular quickly.

  4. True, I agree with this post because the more you promote something the more responds and feedback you'll get because people will be interested in what you are trying to promote. With the technology advancements of today it is really easy to promote anything now because of TV, internet, phones, and more

  5. I agree that if a movie is marketed right that it will succeed. if a trailer of a movie has a lot of action and special effects that it will be a sell out and everyone will be going to it. also with the different kinds of advertisement there are endless possibilities to show this movie in different light.

  6. I do agree with your first statement, how a movie is promoted, that determines how it would do at the box office. For me, sometimes it has to deal with who's in the movie. If the movie look stupid from the commercial, I won't go spend my money, I would just wait until it comes on cable. On the other hand, certain producers would automatically get my business, for example Tyler Perry and Will Smith. I know when they put their name on something, I'm going to get my money's worth.

  7. Marketing movies is a big game. Advertiser pay millions of dollars for just a spot during the superbowl. Youtube has also become helpful in marketing movies. I admit I go to you tube (right now actually) and look for trailers for our upcoming movies. Your right about the companies spending more money for advertiser than for the actual movie itself. The possible culture and other extras that come with movies, such as video games, toys,clothes,etc. So movies will make a profit in the long run.

  8. I do not agree that the marketing decides how a movie performs. Hollywood spends a lot of movie to try and influence the movie going public, but I think most people are smarter than that. A lot of advertising may provide for a boost on opening weekend, but if the movie is not good no amount of marketing and advertising can make it a success. The movie industry is hurting these days people have less discretionary funds and will only spend enough to make a movie a success if the film also has quality, it can’t just be massive advertising and no substance. But there must still be some advertising and marketing or no matter how good the film is people won’t know about it and won’t see it.

  9. Sometimes the advertising shows the most exciting part of a movie just to get viewers, and then once the person is there, it's a disappointment. Marketing and advertising is important to get the people to buy the movie ticket. That's how the box office top movie gets rated. Not by how many tickets it sold, but by how much money was made.

  10. Movie stars are always on talk shows promoting their films. They always make it sound like it the best work they have ever done, the cast was wonderful and the script fantastic. It seems the more time they spend promoting the film, the more disappointing the movie turns out to be. But this type of advertising brings the crowds to the theater. Sadly, the best parts of the movie are usually shown in the trailer.

  11. Sometimes marketing isnt everything, its more just telling them about it and letting the fans drive it. For example the first paramornal activiy, it wasnt advertised at all, but rather demanded and thats how it became so popular. They spend like nothing on the whole production and made a boat load of money,

  12. Out of the four movies listed, I was only excited to see Transformers- Revenge of the Fallen. I saw this opening night, at the midnight showing. This was a very fun event, but I actually preferred the first Transformers movie to this. (Others, I know, will beg to differ. Many of the guys in my group preferred the second.) I saw each movie, only once, at the theatre. I never purchased any of these once released on DVD. I have never seen, nor read, any of the titles in the Harry Potter series. I fell asleep in New Moon. Avatar I watched in three-dimension, and enjoyed it, even though it was long.

  13. Yes marketing a movie well is very instrumental in helping with its sucess. I have saw a lot of clis of movies that insired me to see the movie. But because I have such a busy life, even if the movie is marketed well, I usually do not see the movie untill it comes out on DVD>
