Thursday, March 24, 2011


The motion picture industry has come a long way from it started to where it is now. Some of its early technologies used were objects called Kinetoscopes, which allowed people to view motion pictures through a peep-hole and the Kinetograph, which was a simple motion picture camera. We have gone to extremely simple technology like that to technology that allows us to look at stuff in thousands of frames and have greater graphics to movies like James Cameron's "Avatar."


  1. This movie was awesome! the way they made everything look so real makes you feel as if what your watching is real. I saw this movie in IMax which is something out of a dream back when movies were shot in black and white. It really is amazing the things film makers come up with and how life like they can make it.

  2. Graphics sure have come a long way! There could never be such movies like we have today without the new technologies. Avatar seems like a good designed movie, just like others out there. It is amazing how these film makers are able to do this!

  3. It is amazing how far movie technology has come. Almost this entire movie was computer generated. Many movies today are in IMAX 3D and will continue to be because they attract many viewers. People like to go to the movies to have an experience and this new technology offers that.

  4. The technology did has great impact on movie industry. Avatar is one of highest raked movie because of the beautiful scenery and technology. This vivid scenery of "Floting montain"in Avatar is inspired by ZHANGJIAJIE (a place from China).

  5. I was not a fan of the movie its self, but as for animation, special effects, editing, and picture it is second to none. Movies like this set the bar so high and make us as the movie goers look forward to see what will come out next.

  6. Wow I am surprised that technology has advanced so quickly in so little a time. The advanced graphics of movies like Avatar makes us want to see what's next to see what crazy stuff they will do next. This also makes me think of Suckerpunch, a movie that came out today that MIGHT be the next blockbuster.

  7. The movie business has indeed come a long way with technology and the way movies are shown today. It’s very impressive!

  8. This is very interesting. Looking into view how far we as humans have developed in our entertainment is amazing. Technology has developed so vast from the past, one can only wonder what tomorrow will entail.

  9. Avatar=pocohantas

  10. That's sweet to see where we've been to what we're doing now. We can watch stuff in 3d which is pretty crazy when you think about it. To get something on a flat surface to look 3d is neat, although it can be damaging to the eyes, especially in the early development of children. But still, we can do some beautiful things with the camera now. It wasn't all that long ago that we watched everything in black and white. It's funny when I watch old clips in black and white, because it almost makes me think the world was less colorful then, but in reality it was just as beautiful as it is today, they just couldn't capture all that beauty like we can.
