Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Rise of "Torture Porn"

Ever since Saw came out, it spawned six sequels and donned the Genre "Torture Porn". The victims are set in traps that they have to hurt themselves get out of. Torture Porn depicts nudity, torture, mutilation, and sadism. Most of those examples can be found in all of the Saw films. The most notorious example of a true Torture Porn film is Hostel, which was released in 2005. The film is about American tourists who get captured for a murder for profit buisness is Europe. Hostel should not be watched by anyone who has a weak stomach.


  1. I’m not sure if this is about the future or what, but this is so damn disgusting. I would never watch trash like that. Why would anyone think that it’s okay? What’s it doing to your brain when you watch it? I know what it’s like to see movies and play video games with violence, and that’s bad enough shooting people or watching people die. But it’s absolutely insane to think that torturing people and watching it is something entertaining. How much of it can you watch before you decide it won’t affect your thinking processes? It might take time, but before you know it you will think it’s just normal, and that’s what is really scary.

  2. I agree with you Tyler, this is disgusting and scary that movies like this are being produce. I do ot watch scary movies and I hate violence. Yet, I see their is an audience that appreciates and like these kind of movies.
