Thursday, May 5, 2011

The evolution of motion pictures should be taken to new dimensions literally. Instead of 3D let there be many theaters with 4D where movies are show with 3D glasses and have effects that are Physical. This could include rain machines, vibrations, chairs rocking back and forth, fog machines to make places feel wet, humid and moist and other simulators. Some movies in few areas of the world have places like this. The prices of tickets would go up but it would be worth it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the link above is to the upcoming movie Cowboys and Aliens. Cowboys and Aliens come on Hollywood keep on pushing all these aliens movies that are coming out later this year. Many expect for future movies to be intriguing and more technologically advanced than ever before but hollywood may be expecting for that technology to de delivered by our alien brothers. Mixing Cowboys and Aliens mixes past and future but does not call for originality. People want to see box breakers like Star Wars again.
Although American Theatre and Minstrel shows shows are not technically considered Cinema or Motion pictures it most likely is what made cinemas when it was available. In the past there were shows called Blackface, were white man would paint there faces black and impersonate the lives of african american slaves. Going from racist shows to the movie screen with integration of whites and blacks is a major step in society. Recently some of the films are involving Indian-American actors so this comes to show how far we have gotten.In the future hopefully we will see stars collaborating in movies with other stars across the globe.

Super Hero Season Begins Again

Another Summer and another round of Super Hero Blockbusters. This year's fare brings us Thor, Xmen, Green Lantern and Captain America. At three Marvel properties to one DC, it is already apparent which comic book brand is working the hardest. This seems to be a pretty significant reversal of roles when I recall my childhood movies of four Batman movies, four Superman movies and a Supergirl too. Thor comes out this weekend, so if you are curious about the movie, check out the trailer below.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Right now in present time we find ourselves with theatre screens that extend from wall to wall to better the experience of the viewer and for the movie to be of better quality but still find that big isn't big enough. What is needed in the movie industry is for a screen that blocks out peripheral images while watching a movie. This would definitely make the viewer seem as if they were in the movie. A screen with a lot of power and resolution would be needed for this but not enough power to where the human eye would be damaged.
Motion Pictures has evolved in different ways which include watching movies inside a closed building or outside in your car. As much as places are charging for movies they can at least use some money to renovate. Comfort can add to the experience of the movie. some of the theaters have uncomfortable seating. Possibly seats may look like the ones above and may possibly come with 3D glasses or maybe even seats that vibrate when there is a scene that calls for it.

Bond, James Bond

You simply cannot have a movie blog without thementioning of bond, so I will save this blog. (so Bondesque). Is there a movie series that has gone through 6 different acors playing the same character over 40 years, yes 40 yrs this coming year and the release of "Bond 23", the 23rd movie of its own niche. Double o seven or simply 007 is a british special forces agent with great gadgets, looks and charisma that has warmed his way onto everybody's t.v. set at one time or another. You cannot get to the future of anything , before knowing where you came from. This reigns the same for movies as well, Bond was here with Sean Coonery in 1962 and will continue the legacy with Daniel Craig in 2012 T.B.A. If you have read this blog and have a favorite Bond actor, film , car actress or weapon, please share with us.

Catch'em if you can

Warner Brothers, Fox, Universal and Sony are going to give the rights to Direct TV to show their movies now just 60 days after they hit the theatres. The Box Office giants want to fight back by boycotting their films, but how do you have any movies to play if you boycott the big four?!!! All movies make theri most money right out of the gate, depending on the strenght of advertising, but nowadays , not many movies actually last past 4-6 weeks. But, Wait, I don't have Direct TV, now what do I do? We'll have to wait and see the terms and lenghts of the conracts Direct TV will get for these movies.


In the Future, Movies may get worse, as Craig blogged about remakes and re-do's of trilogies, I too am weary of the future of movies. I have recently read that Sony intends on making another Ghost buster's movie, Awesome right? Wrong! They have at their disposal the original director, willing and able, however, Sony is going to use a guy that is only credited with directing a music video. This could go really bad, bad like Russell Crowe and Kate Blanchett doing the prequel to Robin Hood, but without any of the Robin Hood tale too it. Their is also talk of re shooting the Spider-mans again, already, as Craig also said, again, already. Again, However they are looking to use another up and coming director only credited with directing a music video. Those things are so subjective, and artsy fartsy, We all have reason to be concerned the future of cinema

CGI to Claymation

AS the future of movies hits with each individual new flick, the next big thing is just around the corner. This was the same senario in the late 70's and early 80's with a record breaking world renowned movie trilogy called "Star Wars", however at the same time that these movies were making blockbuster records, another more simpler sci-fi fanatasy genre was being born. It happened simultaniously and suffered for it. The George Lucas- Jim Henson claymation fantasy and most of the times dark movies began to hit all around the early eighties, and most of us have a secret vise for these movies like, Willow", "The Labrynth" and "The Dark Crystal". THey did not fare well at the box office due to an overshadowing of the great trilogy also making records at the same time. view:

Friday, April 29, 2011

Movie Ticket Prices in the Future

Being the movie buff that I am, I keep almost all of my ticket stubs after I go to the movies. I was looking through them and found the price ranges from $4.75 to $11.50. I still find it hard to spend money on movie tickets when gas prices are almost 4 dollars a gallon. Every year the ticket prices are going to raise just like gas prices. There has to be a movie coming out that I would spend top dollar to see otherwise I am just wasting gas money. I think its just better to wait for it to come out on DVD and Blu Ray.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What comes after a remake or reboot?

Ever since the year 2000, many films have been getting remade such as Horror films and Slasher films. Most of those films are got remade since there are no more original ideas out there anymore. There is going to be a day when every film has been remade. I'll go crazy if someone ever remakes Jurassic Park. I have a feeling that remakes are even going to be remade someday because nothing original is coming out anymore. I read recently that Spider-Man is getting rebooted in 2012. I don't think that is a good idea because I think the Spider-Man trilogy could have kept going. This is going to happen to many great films or franchises someday and its upsetting.

Scream 5 and 6?

When the Weinstein Company announced Scream 4 was going into production, they said that film was going to reboot the franchise and be the start of whole new trilogy. I got excited when I heard that because the Scream franchise is my favorite Horror trilogy. Scream 4 went into production on June 28th, 2010 and wraped on September 23rd, 2010. The film was given a release date of April 15th, 2011 which I thought was very interesting because it is 4/15/11. I looked at all those numbers and realized there was a great connection. 4th movie, 15 years after the original, 11 years after the 3rd film. After waiting so long for Scream 4 to come out, I went to the midnight showing and had alot of fun watching it. If the film made over its 40 million dollar budget, it should get a sequel but sadly the film only grossed 18 million its opening weekend making it the second lowest opeining of the franshise. The film recieved alot of mixed reviews but the only positive reviews are from fans of the original. With the ending of Scream 4, I don't really know if there can be a 5th and movie but I am always ready for a Scream!

Future Blog Posts

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I was going to throw a fit if Scream was ever re-made. Rob Zombie already destroyed Michael Myers with his Halloween Remake in 2007. Instead of remaking Scream, Dimension films is releasing Scream 4 (Scre4m) I am glad to see a fourth one is coming out after how bad Scream 3 was. Scream 4 is directed by Wes Craven, who directed the 3 previous Scream films. The film stars David Arquette, Neve Campbell, and Courtney Cox, who have all stared in the original 3 films. Scream 4 is trying to reboot the series and trying to make a new Trilogy out of it. I don't care how many of these films are made as long as the orginal in not remade. Scream 4 comes out April 15, 2011. I have never been this excited for a film besides Toy Story 3.

Goodbye DVD, Hello Blu Ray!

I remember when DVD's came out and they were almost 40 dollars a piece! They came out around 1998 when VHS was still the main format to watch movies. VHS was then stopped in 2003 because DVD's had now become the most popular format. People were buying DVD players and Play Station 2's which also had a DVD player built into it. Some people who still watched VHS bought the VHS/DVD combo which worked out for people with both formats. Blu Ray was introduced in 2007 and it is pretty much a high definition DVD. Blu Rays came out as 40 dollars a piece when they starting coming out. Since Blu Ray, DVD's are overflowing in the 5 dollar bin at Wal Mart. If you want to see an old movie really clear, go watch it on Blu ray!

The Rise of "Torture Porn"

Ever since Saw came out, it spawned six sequels and donned the Genre "Torture Porn". The victims are set in traps that they have to hurt themselves get out of. Torture Porn depicts nudity, torture, mutilation, and sadism. Most of those examples can be found in all of the Saw films. The most notorious example of a true Torture Porn film is Hostel, which was released in 2005. The film is about American tourists who get captured for a murder for profit buisness is Europe. Hostel should not be watched by anyone who has a weak stomach.

Saw 7? Enough is enough!

I remember when the first saw film came out in 2004. It had a great screen writer and director. The story was very well written and had a great twist ending. I remember the first one not being too gory either. Saw is one of them films where endless sequels are unnessesary like the Friday the 13th Franchise. That series of films has 12 to date! Every year after 2004, there has been another Saw sequel. In my personal opinion, I think the series should have ended after Saw III but it went all the way to Saw 7! Saw 7 was released as SAW 3D. I have not seen Saw 6 or 7 but these movies really need to stop!

The Rise of Slasher Remakes

There has been no original Slasher film since Scream in 1996. Since 2003, Slasher films have been being remade starting with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Movie studios are remaking these Slasher films to show these films to a younger generation. These remakes are not as good as the originals but they do make more money at the box office than the originals did. The remakes, in my opinion will never be better than their originals. Halloween will always remain the best slasher film to date and Rob Zombies remake will never top it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


The motion picture industry has come a long way from it started to where it is now. Some of its early technologies used were objects called Kinetoscopes, which allowed people to view motion pictures through a peep-hole and the Kinetograph, which was a simple motion picture camera. We have gone to extremely simple technology like that to technology that allows us to look at stuff in thousands of frames and have greater graphics to movies like James Cameron's "Avatar."

Friday, March 4, 2011

fighting off copyright

3D movies have been popular off and on since the 50's, but the first ever was in 1903 called L' arrive du train. 3d movies are the industries attempt to fend off copyright infringement and theft. Through special lenses a the appearance of depth is added to a flat image. one of the greatest 3d experiences anyone could have ever veiwed is no longer in existance, Captain EO's adventure starring Michael Jackson.

Marketing a Movie

The marketing of a movie usually is the first sign of how a movie will perform in the box office. The stronfger the promotions are the more likely a movie will last in the theatres. In 2009, overall box offices hit an all time high, due mainly to four huge blockbusters, Tranformers -Revenge of the Fallen, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, The Twilight Saga- New Moon, and Avatar. The first time teh box office ever broke the $10 billion plane.

When a movie is Promoted with such confidence and exposure as these movies there is usually a direct correlation to a movies overall profit after the theatre, rental and cable exclusivity contracts. Avatar Earned $232.2 million from North America and 106 other countries, It was one of the most films ever created for an estimated half a billion dollars. This will take a long time to eventually turn a profit, but with such a cult following and being such a culturaly, scientifically and artistically inspired film is it sure to last and earn.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The PG-13 rating

Up until 1984, films usually had three different ratings. The ratings were G, PG, and R. There was a big gap between PG and R rated films. Some PG films were as violent as R rated films but they did not include the F word or nudity. The film "Jaws" was released in 1975 with a PG rating but if anyone have ever seen that movie, its pretty violent and very bloody. Another example of a very violent PG rated film is "Gremlins." Steven Spielberg released "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" in 1984 and the violence in that and "Gremlins" outraged a lot of parents because of how violent those films were. Steven Spielberg suggested to the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) that there should a PG-13 or PG-14 rating introduced. The MPAA took Spielbergs advise and the PG-13 rating was introduced on July 1, 1984. The first PG-13 film was "Red Dawn."

Rated PG-13: Parents are strongly cautioned to give special guidance for attendance of children under 13 - Some material may be inappropriate for young children.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The 1980's Action Hero

The 1980's had a number of action films released every year. An action film is where one or more heroes is thrust into a series of challenges that require physical feats, extended fights and frenetic chases. Fist fights, gun play, explosions, and car chases are pretty much what sums up an action movie. With every action flick comes the action Hero. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, and Chuck Norris are some popular names in the Action genre. Arnold is known world wide for his role of The Terminator but the Terminator is in fact a villain. He is more of a Hero in "Predator." Stallone is mostly recognized as Rocky or Rambo. Willis got his popularity from playing John McClain in "Die Hard." And last but not least is Chuck Norris. Chuck is popular for his role in the "Missing in Action" films as a POW in Vietnam. These four men will forever remain in movie history as Action Heroes. Bellow is some pictures of the Heroes and the films they are famous for.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

4 Killers for the Price of One Ticket!

The year was 1982 and the Horror Genre produced a massive number of Slasher films and other types of Horror films. The Horror fans have already been introduced to Norman Bates (Psycho), Leatherface (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Michael Myers (Halloween), and Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th part 2. Jason was in fact not the killer in the original!). With four slasher icons already invented, the producers of New Line Cinema wanted to do something that has never been done before. They came up with a slasher film that involved four killers instead of one! The film was called "Alone in the Dark." The film is about four psychopaths that break out of a mental institution during a city wide black out and proceed to terrorize their Doctor and his family in their secluded house. The producers of the film wanted to give the horror fans four killers for the price of one movie ticket. The film did not do too well theatrically but it is still a very great slasher to watch and is recommended for any horror fan.

This is the poster for the film.

Here are the 4 killers. (LtoR) Preacher, Hawkes, Fatty, and The Bleeder . The Bleeder wears a Hockey mask just like Friday the 13th's Jason Voorhees. This movie came out before Jason got the mask.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Rise of the Slasher Film

A slasher film is a sub genre of Horror Films. A slasher film typically involves a masked killer with a weapon stalking and murdering teenage girls. Many Horror fans believe that John Carpenter's "Halloween" was the first slasher film. That film was released in 1978 and became the Highest grossing Independent film of all time. "Halloween" introduces Horror Icon Michael Myers, an escaped mental patient who stalks a babysitter on Halloween night. The first slasher to be considered a slasher is Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho", which came out in 1960. There are two other Slashers that also came out before "Halloween." They are "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" and "Black Christmas" which were both released in 1974. "Texas Chainsaw" is about a group of teens on a road trip through Texas that get terrorized by a family of cannibals. "Black Christmas" is about a killer killing off Sorority Girls in their own house one by one. So even though "Halloween" is considered the Grandfather of the Slasher films, there were three other Slashers that were released before it. Slasher films continued to be popular all the way through the 1980's. The Slasher Genre was revived in 1996 with "Scream" and multiple rip offs of Slasher films from the early years.

Leatherface Norman Bates Michael Myers

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Past Motion Picture Technology

The first device ever made to display movies was called a zoopraxiscope which was patented in 1867. It was made by a guy named William Lincoln.

Film Noir

A smokey room with plenty of cigarettes, a man dressed in black, and a women in a sexy dress. These three descriptions are sceen in ever single Film Noir movie ever made. Film Noir's hayday began in the early 1940's and stretched until the late 1950's. They all were basically crime dramas with a sexy girl and cynical characters. These films were all shot in black and white at the time with the same low key lighting and overly smokey rooms. Though the most famous of these movies tended to be crime drams which gave that feeling of being the detective Dick Tracy others had more romance, social problems and even gave the point of few of a gangsters life. These movies were honestly the birth of the dramas we see today.

Grindhouse Movie Theaters

Back in the early 1960's and 1970's there was a special kind of movie theater called a Grindhouse Theater. When one would go to a Grindhouse Theater, they stayed for 2 films, also known as a "double feature." The kind of films that were showed in a Grindhouse theater were called Exploitation films. Exploitation films were mainly filled with violence, action, nudity, and over the top gore. Some Exploitation films have created cult followings. Above is a picture of what the outside of a Grindhouse Theater looks like.

Are all four of a horse's hooves ever off the ground at the same time

This question was actually a common debate in 1878, and was answered in the first motion picture ever made by Eadward Muybridge.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


this blog will be for the purpose of outlineing and dicussing, as well as informing of the history and evolution of motion pictures teh industry and the technology.